Our history

In 1978 the AGM AGMüller playing card factory in Neuhausen am Rheinfall celebrated its 150th anniversary. This jubilee was the reason for a large playing card exhibition and catalog in the Museum of Applied Arts in Zurich, but also a reason for the International Playing Card Society to hold its annual meeting in Zurich in autumn 1978.
In order to facilitate the organization of this meeting, those responsible decided to set up a supporting association. This society also had the purpose of gaining people as members who were collecting or scientifically involved with playing cards. On August 31, 1978 in Neuhausen, Dr. Peter F. Kopp, Kurt Lehner, Max Ruh and Kurt Scheffmacher launched Cartophilia Helvetica.

This new association was deliberately given a Latin name. This should not favor any of the four official national languages of Switzerland. At the same time, they wanted to document the internationality and cosmopolitanism.

On the occasion of the first annual meeting in Lausanne in 1979, the then President Dr. Peter F. Kopp informed that 40 people have already acquired membership. In the years that followed, the number of members from Switzerland and other countries increased steadily. From 1986 onwards, the members received the “Bulletin” quarterly, which provided information on current research results, events and new card games.

The International Playing Card Society has since visited Switzerland twice more: in 1987 in Friborg and in 2004 in Schaffhausen. Cartophilia Helvetica always took this as an opportunity to issue a publication. In 1987, the Musée d’art et d’histoire Friborg published a detailed work by Balz Eberhard on card manufacture in Fribourg: “Les cartiers fribourgeois”.
In 2004, the catalog for the large special exhibition “Tarock – Tarot. Card Game and Prophecy” was produced in the Museum zu Allerheiligen in Schaffhausen.

In 1998, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Cartophilia Helvetica, the association together with the Museum zu Allerheiligen published an overview of the earliest Swiss playing cards written by Detlef Hoffmann.

In 2012 Balz Eberhard’s research on playing card taxes in Switzerland. “Die Spielkartensteuer in der Schweiz. La taxe sur les cartes à jouer” was published posthumously.

Cartophilia Helvetica enables people from Switzerland who are interested in playing cards to get in touch with each other and to exchange ideas with international like-minded people.

With the articles in the “Bulletin” and the publication of its books, Cartophilia Helvetica was able to make a significant contribution to research into the history of the playing card.

Due to declining membership numbers, the association became almost obsolete in the 21st century. As a result, starting in 2013, serious consideration was given to dissolving Cartophilia Helvetica. Fortunately, this crisis could be overcome and new strength has given Cartophilia Helvetica new impetus. In 2018, for example, Ruedi Manser was supported to make the publication of the magnificent catalog “Die Deutschschweizer Jasskarten vom 19. bis 21. Jahrhundert”.

If you are in any way interested in playing cards and are willing to share in this momentum, we cordially invite you to apply for membership in Cartophilia Helvetica.

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Annual meetings of Cartophilia Helvetica

19./20. Mai 1979Lausanne
26./27. April 1980Schaffhausen
16./17. Mai 1981Bern
24./25. April 1982Baden
16./17. April 1983La Tour-de-Peilz
19./20. Mai 1984Stans
18./19. Mai 1985Yverdon-les-Bains
24./25. Mai 1986Frauenfeld
9.-11. Oktober 1987Fribourg
23./24. April 1988Schaffhausen
22./23. April 1989Murten
21./22. April 1990St. Gallen/Appenzell
20./21. April 1991Lugano
25./26. April 1992Luzern
15./16. Mai 1993Neuchâtel
30.April /1.Mai 1994Burgdorf
13./14. Mai 1995Solothurn
27./28. April 1996Chur
26./27. April 1997Basel
9./10. Mai 1998Schaffhausen
8./9. Mai 1999Sion / Sitten
6./7. Mai 2000Winterthur
28./29. April 2001Zug
27./28. April 2002Lausanne
26./27. April 2003Bern
16.-19. Sept. 2004Schaffhausen
23./24. April 2005Porrentruy
22./23. April 2006Schwyz
28./29. April 2007La Tour-de-Peilz
19./20. April 2008 Zürich
16. Mai 2009Biel
24./25. April 2010Flüelen
30. April 2011Basel
28. April 2012Näfels
13./14. April 2013Schaffhausen /Diessenhofen
10./11. Mai 2014Stans
7. November 2015Solothurn
9. Juli 2016Schaffhausen
2017keine Jahresversammlung
1. Dezember 2018Schaffhausen
15. Juni 2019Schaffhausen
2020wegen Pandemie auf dem Schriftweg
30. Oktober 2021Pontenet
14. Mai 2022Tafers
6. Mai 2023Bischofszell
4. Mai 2024Willisau

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Presidents of Cartophilia Helvetica

Dr. Peter F. Kopp               1978 – 1987      honorary member since 1987

Friedrich Salzmann          1987 – 1991

Prof. Dr. Walter Haas       1991 – 1996

Dr. Balz Eberhard             1996 – 2001

Max Ruh                           2001 – 2004      ad interim as vice president

Otto Spalinger                 2004 – 2014

Prof. Dr. Walter Haas       2014 – 2016       honorary member since 2016

Daniel Grütter                  2016 –

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